Thursday, October 28, 2010


Zai Nali 

The Mandarin question word for "where" is zài nǎli. Zài nǎli literally means, "Where is it located?"
Wǒde shū zài nǎli?
Where is my book?

Traditional Characters:
Simplified Characters:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Yǐqián is used to talk about the indefinite past in Mandarin Chinese.
Tā yǐqián zhù zài Yīngguó.
He used to live in England.
Traditional Characters:
Simplified Characters:

Friday, October 22, 2010


The Mandarin phrase for "place" or "area" is dìfang. Dìfang has two characters which roughly translate as "a square of earth."
Nǐ jiā zài Měiguó shénme dìfang?
Where do you live in the USA?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


中国語では 漢字の筆順 を 「汉语笔顺」という。

汉语笔顺 は わかりやすい。

貝、見、金、糸、言 などのヘン・・・の書き方。

ちょっとづつ ちがうなぁ。



The Mandarin compound qǐngwèn is used as a preface when asking questions politely. It should be used whenever asking a question to a stranger or person in authority.
Qǐngwèn, huǒchēzhàn zài nǎli?
Excuse me, where is the train station? 
Traditional Characters:
請問, 火車站在哪裡?
Simplified Characters:
请问, 火车站在哪里?

Monday, October 18, 2010

鱼 yú Fish

The Chinese character meaning fish is 魚 in the traditional form and
 鱼 in the simplified form. It is pronounced yú.
This character is also a radical, meaning that it is used as a building
block in other, more complex Chinese characters, many of which
have something to do with fish or seafood, as in these examples:
  • 魦 - shā - shark family, including some rays and skates
  • 魨 - tún - leatherfish
  • 鮚 / 鲒 - jié - oyster
  • 鮞 / 鲕 - ér - caviar; fish roe
  • 鯁 / 鲠 - gěng - blunt; fish bones; unyielding
  • 鯖 / 鲭 - qīng - mackerel; mullet
  • 鯨 / 鲸 - jīng - whale
  • 鱟 / 鲎 - hòu - king crab
The character 魚 / 鱼 is a pictograph which, in its earliest forms,
clearly showed the fins, eyes, and scales of a fish. The current
traditional form incorporates the four strokes of the fire radical
(火 - 灬), perhaps suggesting that fish is most useful to human
beings when it is cooked.

Mandarin Vocabulary With Yú

Simplified CharactersPinyin

八带鱼 octopusbā dài yú                                            

鲍鱼 abalonebào yú

捕鱼 to catch fishbǔ yú

炒鱿鱼 to be firedchǎo yóu yú

钓鱼 to go fishingdiào yú

鳄鱼 crocodile è yú

鮭鱼 salmonguī yú

金鱼 goldfishjīn yú

鲸鱼 whalejīng yú

鲨鱼 sharkshā yú

鱼夫 fishermanyú fū

鱼竿 fishing rodyú gān

鱼网 fishing netyú wǎng

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shenme 什么?

The Mandarin Chinese word for "what" is shénme. It is most commonly used as a question word, but can also be used in certain expressions like méi shénme (it doesn't matter).

Shénme occurs after the verb it references, or when used with a noun, can appear at the beginning of the phrase.


Nǐ yào chī shénme?
What do you want to eat?
Traditional Characters:
Simplified Characters:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We Are One Café Workshop & Seminar Series: Chinese Language Lessons @ Zen Café, Kyoto

In respond to the speech made by Ms Yumi Kitahama (a career consultant with years of experience in Singapore and Japan) during the #30 Networking Event, that language skill is one of the top important skills both for employment and business in today’s highly globalized world, We Are One is going to initiate the Café Workshop & Seminar Series with Chinese language lessons for all.

Language Courses
1          Learn Chinese (Newbie Level) in English & Japanese

 Café setting
1          Relax atmosphere for enjoying the lesson after a day’s work
2          Complimentary drink (Hot: Cold: Ice coffee, Ice tea, Ice lemon tea etc)
Lesson content
1          Focus on useful daily conversation that native English/ Chinese/ Japanese speakers use, including slangs.
2          Application in all situations such as travel, business, daily life etc.
3          Covering topics such as newest trend, technology, traditional & pop culture, global issues which are up-to-date and interesting, enable students to gain additional knowledge besides the language.
4          Student participation during lesson to enhance effective learning.
5          Materials are free of charge, including notes, MP3 files, recommendation to online materials etc.

Lesson Format
1.        Students only pay for each lesson that they attend at the beginning of the lesson and also receive material for the day. No registration fee, no advance payment, no hidden cost.
2.        It is perfectly ok to miss some classes if you are busy are work. You can always check with your classmates on what you have missed out.

Zen Café (besides Backpackers Hostel K's House Kyoto)
418 Nayacho, Shichijo-agaru, Dotemachi-dori, Shimogyo-ku, 
Kyoto city, Japan 600-8142
TEL +(81)-75-342-2444 FAX +(81)-75-342-2440
It is about 10 mins walk from JR Kyoto Station
1500yen (includes 1 drink)
Date & Time: 
Every Wednesday 8pm to 9pm starting from 20th Oct 2010 
Please send the following to
  1. Name
  2. Nationality
  3. Proficiency level (newbie, elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advance)
  4. Contact number & mobile email address
  5. Choice of drink (coffee, tea, lemon tea, softdrinks, hot or cold)

About the Instructor
Tong (Chinese)

Tong is a Singaporean Chinese whose native languages are English, Mandarin and Cantonese. He runs Chinese courses ( in Singapore. He has been teaching English and Mandarin for the past 7 years in both Singapore and Japan. His students include expatriates from all over the world as well as Japanese. He is experienced in teaching adults to help them achieve their various language objectives such as for work and business. He is also passionate in teaching young children, allowing them to enjoy lessons in a fun filled setting while setting a strong foundation for the language. Tong considers himself a cosmopolitan as he has obtained his JLPT 1 10 years ago in high school and attained intermediate level French after studying in France for over half a year. Tong is also the Program Director of We Are One International, a volunteer group that connects international-mined people in Kansai by organizing various events and activities every month.


  1. 英語,日本語で習う初心者の中国語
  1. お仕事の後、リラックスした空間で楽しくレッスンを行います
  2. 1ドリンク付き
  1.   日常会話に焦点を当てネイティブスピーカーが使うスラングを含む中国語のレッスン
  2.   旅行やビジネスなどのシチュエーションに合わせて使えるレッスン
  3.   最新のニュースやテクノロジー、文化や国際問題などの興味あるトピックを用 い、語学に加えて使える知識も共に学べるレッスン
  4.   生徒参加型の積極的なレッスン
  5.   授業に使うノートやMP3ファイル、オンラインの教材は授業料に含まれます


  1. 授業料につきましては、それぞれ授業に来ていただき、授業が始まる前にお支払い頂きます。その際に、その日の分の教材をお渡しいたします。前払い、予約手数料、キャンセル料はいただきません
  2. もし忙しければ授業を休んでいただいても構いません。いつでもクラスメイト方とどの授業を逃したか確認することができます。
Zen Café
600-8142 京都市下京区土手町通七条上る納屋町418
TEL 075-342-2444 FAX 075-342-2440
 1) JR京都駅の中央口より、烏丸通(京都タワー沿いの通)を北へお進み頂きます。
 2) 次の大きな交差点の信号を渡ってから右折します。
 3) そのまま七条通を東へ5~6分位進んで頂きます。
 4) 河原町通との交差点を渡って次の通(北への一方通行)を左折します。
 5) 50m先右側にある白い6階建ての建物が当ホステルです。

1500円 1ドリンク付き

Date & Time: 
10月20日から毎週水曜日 8pm to 9pm 

  1. 名前
  2. 国籍
  3. 連絡先、メールアドレス
  4. ドリンクの選択 (coffee, tea, lemon tea, softdrinks, hot or cold)

Tong 唐、トン)中国語

中国系シンガポール人。母語は英語、北京語、広東語の3つ。過去7年間シンガポールと日本で英語、北京語を教える。今までの教えてきた生徒は1つの国にとどまらず、世界各地から来た人達と様々である。教えてきた生徒には大人が多く、彼らの仕事やビジネスに必要な語学力を高めるために貢献してきた。また子供の生徒に教えることも積極的で、子供の時期に重要な語学の基礎を築くためにも楽しさあふれるレッスンを行ってきた。彼は10年前、高校生の時に日本語検定1級を取得、また約半年フランスで勉強した後、中級レベルのフランス語も習得と国際的である。最近ではWe Are One Internationalという、国際的なマインドを持つ関西に住む人々をつなぐために様々なイベントや活動を毎月行う、ボランティアグループのプログラムディレクターとしても活動している。

Nǐ Hǎo - 你好 - Hello


Nǐ Hǎo - 你好 - Hello

Audio links are marked with ►
nǐ hǎo - Saying "Hello" in Mandarin Chinese
Learn how to greet people in Mandarin Chinese.
The literal translation of nǐ hǎo - 你好 is "you good". 
Nǐ - 你 means "you" and hǎo - 好 means "good".
Nǐ - 你 is the informal form of "you" and is used for 
greeting friends and associates. The formal form of "hello" 
is ►nín hǎo - 您好. Notice that the formal "you" is 
nín - 您.
Use nín hǎo - 您好 when speaking to:
  • Superiors
  • People in authority
  • Elders
Use nǐ hǎo - 你好 when speaking to:
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Children

China & Taiwan

The use of nín hǎo - 您好 is more common in 
Mainland China than in Taiwan. The informal nǐ hǎo - 
你好 is the most common greeting in Taiwan, no matter 
what the rank of the person you are addressing.

How Are You?

You can extend nǐ hǎo - 你好 by adding the 
question particle ►ma - 嗎/吗. The question particle 
ma can be added to the end of sentences and phrases 
to change them from statements to questions.
The literal translation of nǐ hǎo ma? - 你好嗎?/
你好吗? is "you good?" which means "how are you?"
Nǐ hǎo ma? - 你好嗎?/你好吗? should only be said
 to close friends or family members. It is not a common 
greeting for associates or strangers.
The answer to nǐ hǎo ma? - 你好嗎?/你好吗?
 can be:
  • hěn hǎo - 很好 - very good
  • bù hǎo - 不好 - not good
  • hái hǎo - 還好/还好 - so so

Two Sets of Chinese Characters

You may be wondering why there are two Chinese 
versions of nǐ hǎo ma - 你好嗎/你好吗 and hái hǎo -
 還好/还好. The first version is traditional characters 
which are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and many
 overseas Chinese communities. The second version is 
simplified characters, the official writing system in 
Mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia.

东西 Dongxi

Dong Xi


The Mandarin word for "thing" or "things" is dōngxi. It is made up of two characters: dong means "east" and xi means "west".
When these two characters are used together, dongxi can mean "east and west", but more commonly they refer to things in general.
Nèi gè dà de dōngxi shì shénme?
What is that big thing?

Traditional Characters:
Simplified Characters:
Wǒ yào qù mǎi dōngxi.
I am going shopping. (I am going to buy things.)

Nèi gè dà de dōngxi shì shénme?
What is that big thing? (or "those big things")

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Business Chinese Test Introduction(BCT)商务汉语考试

The Business Chinese Test Introduction(BCT)商务汉语考试

BCT is a state-level standard test established to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. BCT is developed by Peking University under the entrustment of the Office of Chinese Language Council International.

BCT assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. Practicability and communication are the main features of the test.
II. Test object

Non-native speakers
III. Benefits

BCT serves various institutions and individuals which want to assess the business Chinese proficiency of relevant personages. The main benefits are:

(1)Provide a reference basis for the employers to assess the business Chinese proficiency of relevant personnel when making such decisions as personnel employment, selection and promotion.

(2)Help relevant teaching and training institutions to certify the students' business Chinese proficiency in recruitment and class division.

(3)Assess the teaching and training effect of relevant teaching units and training institutions.

(4)Provide a certificate of the business Chinese proficiency for those who seek jobs or want to be promoted.

(5)Help Chinese learners to further develop their own business Chinese ability.
IV. Administration

The Office of Chinese Language Council International has full authority to lead BCT and award certificates. BCT is an authoritative test of the state and awards "Business Chinese Test Certificate".

BCT is held on the Chinese mainland and overseas regularly every year.
V. Levels and standards

BCT has a total of five levels to describe the business Chinese proficiency of the examinees, namely:

Level 1 Incapable of communication in Chinese in business environments.

Level 2 Capable of basic communication in Chinese in business environments.

Level 3 Capable of fairly effective communication in Chinese in business environments.

Level 4 Capable of fairly skillful communication in Chinese in business environments.

Level 5 Capable of appropriate communication in Chinese in business environments.
VI. Points and certificate

BCT consists of BCT(listening•reading) and BCT(oral•writing)two independent tests. Examinees can sit for one or both of them.

The score for each specific skill (listening or reading or speaking or writing) is 0-500 points; Each level consists of 100 points.The total score for listening and reading constitutes the overall score of BCT(listening • reading)ranging from 0 to 1000 points. So do the overall score of BCT(speaking • writing).

LevelsScore for specific skillTotal score
 All examinees can receive a test report even if they only attend test in line with requirements. If the total score for listening and reading comes to 201-400 points, Level 2 "BCT Certificate (listening•reading) will be awarded; If the total score for speaking and writing comes to 201-400 points, Level 2 "BCT Certificate (speaking•writing) will be awarded. So do Level3,Level4 and Level5 certificates.

There is no Level1 certificate in BCT.

The test report is valid for a two-year period starting from the test date.
VII. Consultation and services

Test Section of Office of Chinese Language Council International and BCT R&D office of Peking University provide consulting services regarding BCT to domestic and overseas personages.




For other questions, please consult with Peking University's BCT R&D Office:

